nucleuscoop copied to clipboard
Don't Starve together commands don't answer
Hello, first of all you are a Genius! I'm following this project since quite a while now, have played the three Borderland games and Resident Evil with my family thanks to you!
I am now having a problem with Don't Starve together, i've downloaded the Alpha 8 release and the steam_api.ini and .dll files, and got the two game screens to show up, but I have two issues, first of all the two displays are quite small but that's not a major issue, because I can't control anything not with the controllers and not with the keyboard.
I hope you can help me out with this one, i was really hoping to be able to play this together with a friend who is having a hard time and who loved this game when it first came out.
Again thank you for the great work. Keep it up bro!
Hello MrPicklesRick, I'm glad you liked this release. I added DST mod to Nucleus and faced the same problem as you on first screen. This is likely due to the fact that controllers are disabled by the game. You have two options here:
As mentionned in my reddit post when I released this ( "if you have any trouble with controllers not properly working when game is started, close games, ensure controllers are plugged, and delete the file in your documents folder here : Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether\client.ini"
Go manually into the game (normal mode, without nucleus), enable controller support in options, save, quit the game.
It should work perfectly for you :) Enjoy !
Regards, r-mach
Thanks r-mach =D If r-mach's solution has helped you warn us so we can clsoe the issue. If not we can keep on trying to help you fix it, just ask ;)
We should consider automaticaly configuring these files
Thank you guys It worked like a charm! I've actually deleted the client.ini file before, but I must have forgotten to start the game without nucleus afterwards. Great Customer service, I will definitely donate at some point!
I reopen the issue as we need to automatically patch this :) Glad it worked ! Enjoy
Actually I managed to make it play but it seems to say too many .dll files are missing, Any help? Does it only work on specific versions/
After fighting with GloSC to enable my Steam Controllers, I got it working. Except that I can't use the second controller after starting DST. The first controller owns both screens.
Already deleted client.ini with no success.
Anyone has a clue? Thank you!