bsub_jupyter copied to clipboard
This looks awesome! Orchestra configuration is tricky
I just tried to configure this code towards HMS's Orchestra HPC, but ran into some subprocess issues that are outside of my domain. I would really like to get something like this going because as seen here - current instructions for Jupyter notebook use on Orchestra require many steps - (
The two screen shots are the bugs I ran into.
I had to alter the code a bit and am unsure whether my edits are the source of the bugs -
I created a pull request from my fork's "hms_orchestra" branch to show my implementation but of course, no merge necessary.
Any help would be appreciated! No rush.
Thanks for trying it and happy to take a look, I have an account and I tried with my current version and I get :
bash: bsub: command not found
But when I login in the main node I can execute bsub. Any idea on what is happening?
Do you have anything set in bash_profile that append the bsub path?
Hi Luca, thank you for getting back to me! I have a suffix appended on for my $HOME/bin directory - { PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin }, but that's it. You can also see { ls -la /home/dmm57/ }. I wonder if the minor changes I wrote in ~ around line 140 make a difference to the bsub command.
I'm gonna mess w/ the code this weekend to see if I can get this working in some other format.
Also, awesome paper yesterday!