konad copied to clipboard
Monads composition API that just works. For OOP developers
See [kotlin-result examples](https://github.com/michaelbull/kotlin-result/blob/master/kotlin-result/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/github/michaelbull/result/On.kt)
Sometime there is an issue in which `plus` operator should get imported
Use [Kapt](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/kapt.html) for generating currying and applicative builders. `curry` operator in [curry.kt](src/main/kotlin/io/konad/curry.kt) should be generated using Kapt `plus` operator in [applicativeBuilders.kt](src/main/kotlin/io/konad/applicative/builders/applicativeBuilders.kt) should be generated using Kapt
It looks like a pure Kotlin library. It would be great if it was a multiplatform project.