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Lightweight DOM helpers without dependency



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Lightweight DOM helpers without dependency

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The goal is to implement each You might not need jQuery's functions as ES modules. Enabling the power of Tree-shaking in webpack or rollup.

Getting started


npm yarn bower  jsDelivr
npm install gaspard yarn add gaspard bower install gaspard gaspard.umd.js

The Vue.js plugin Vue-gaspard is also available!


Include gaspard on your project

// Via ES2015 import statement
import * as Gaspard from 'gaspard'

// or via Commonjs
const Gaspard = require('gaspard')

And import methods (listed in the API Documentation)

import { documentReady, find, css, addClass, fadeIn } from 'gaspard'

documentReady(() => {
  addClass(document.documentElement, 'dom-loaded')

  const app = find('#app')
  css(app, 'background-color', 'green')

  const paragraph = find('p:first-child', app)[0]
  addClass(paragraph, 'introduction')

Or use gaspard within a <script>

<script src=""></script>
Gaspard.documentReady(function () {
  Gaspard.addClass(document.documentElement, 'dom-loaded');

API documentation


  • Fork the repository
  • Clone it locally and install dependencies with npm (or yarn)
    npm install
  • Create a new branch
  • Develop your feature/fix with tests running
    npm run test:watch
  • Commit, Push your branch and make a pull request on gaspard repository


Thanks to the open source community of You might not need jQuery, jQuery, and cash


MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Luca Perret