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An experimental Style Framework build on top of style-elements

Elm Style Framework


An experimental Style Framework built on top of style-elements.

This is an incomplete Style Framework that leverage the experimental version of style-elements. Major changes may happen at any time to this Repo.


The framework allows customization on several levels. Have a look at this example code to see how the customization is made.

On the top left, the default version. On the bottom right the customized version.


Style guide generator

The framework has a built-in style guide generator that can be used as a quick reference during the UI design. The style guide is generated using functions called introspection present in each part of the framework.


This is a minimal example of the framework usage

module Main exposing (main)

import Element exposing (layout)
import Framework.Button as Button
import Framework.Modifier exposing (Modifier(..))
import Html

main : Html.Html a
main =
    layout [] <|
        Button.button [ Medium, Success, Outlined ] Nothing "Button"

it will generate this page:
