Luca Casonato
Luca Casonato
Yes, this is something I'd like to eventually add support for via plugins (#512).
Need a redirect from the old to the new.
The automatic runtime configured via deno.json is not supported in Deno Deploy as of now.
Deno Deploy now also supports automatic runtime via `deno.json` and via `/** @jsxImportSource */` :)
That is to say: automatic JSX runtime coming to a fresh near you soon!
I'm already working on it. Thanks for the offer though! (Currently blocked by an upstream Deno bug)
Are the files at the root of your VS Code directory?
I am going to re-write the styling integration in a couple of weeks. Let's do this after those changes are made (so around Fresh 1.1.0).
Can you also change the code of the initialized project to make use of `@/`?