pdf_viewer_plugin copied to clipboard
App crash on finale release
The PDF Viewer works well on debug and release mode, but after building the apk and install it, the app crash when trying to open a pdf. Any idea why?
I can confirm. Whats the state about this issue?
The problem is with the android_pdf library used "'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:3.2.0-beta.1''. I downgrade the dependency version and works fine. check the native dependency here: https://github.com/barteksc/AndroidPdfViewer
@SHRJamal Thanks for investigating, the downgrade resolve this issue?
@lubritto Yep, It did for me
Ok, I will test here and update the plugin to use this version. Thanks!
@lubritto Yep, It did for me
Hi SHRJamal, Which version 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer are you used?
@duongnm-1057 I used the stable version 2.8.2, the version 3 still in beta 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.8.2'
@duongnm-1057 I used the stable version 2.8.2, the version 3 still in beta 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.8.2'
Many thanks
@SHRJamal how to i specify the com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.8.2 dependancy?
@MaxChal you need to fork this plugin and change the version in the Gradle file. else I think the plugin author @lubritto is in the process to fix the issue.
@lubritto please think about fix the issue, many thanks.
@lubritto, thanks for developing this plugin. It is crashing mine too. It works well on a J3 device Android 5.5, but crash in all newer devices. Tried the downgrade solution from SHRJamal, but it did not fix. Apk crashes on splash screen.
the crash log: [Native crash above happened with a Java pending exception as following]
10 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.shockwave.pdfium.util.Size" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file "/data/app/*********-uBoGl_wKRm0CjsejWIaa1g==/base.apk"]
Is there a permanent fix for this?
Downgrading com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer resolved the issue
Thanks for the plugin, but this issue is causing me to use another solution until this is fixed.
Same issue here... =( @lubritto, my brazilian friend, could you please fix it? I thinks that if you downgrade the 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer' dependency will work
@lubritto obrigado pelo excelente package. É o meu preferido dentro os disponíveis até o momento. Sobre este problema, poderia orientar a gente como fazer a correção alternativa até que vc possa ajustar o erro?
Importing the Android Project in Android Studio and build the APK with Android Studio (Build/Generate Signed Bundle/APK..) works for me. You also have to add this to your build.gradle: defaultConfig { ndk { abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a' } ... }
As mentioned before, the solution is to downgrade the package. But I had to force it, otherwise it doesn't work. So you have to add this to the app level build.gradle file.
dependencies { implementation('com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.8.2'){ force = true } }
App size Increased by 20 mb? Anybody having Size issue after using this plugin?
Hello guys, sorry about the late. I'm working on soo many projects at this moment. I will try your suggestions, fills free to open PRs and contribute with the package.
Looks like there is an open PR for this - https://github.com/lubritto/Pdf_Viewer_Plugin/pull/27
@lubritto you think the fix looks good and can be merged in?
It seems that someone at stackoverflow has solved this issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61519557/i-am-using-pdf-viewer-plugin-and-in-android-studio-i-have-no-problem-but-when-i
This will help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAUVz0U7eyA