Realtime-processing-for-csitool copied to clipboard
A realtime data processing and visualization plugin for the Linux 802.11n Channel State Information (CSI) Measurement Tool.
Hello, i have pasted both matlab and netlink files in csitool-supplementary. When i run read_bf_socket and sudo ./log_to_server 8090 , i'm having a error in Matlab which is, Timeout,...
Hello everyone, @lubingxian @zhqqin33 I have a problem visualizing real-time SNR in MATLAB: Undefined function or variable 'filename' Error in read_bf_socket (line 85) fprintf('WARNONCE: Found CSI(%s) with Nrx=%dand invalidperm=[%s]\n',filename, Nrx,int2str(perm))...
Hello Sir @lubingxian! I have came across your work regarding live streaming CSI tool, I really appreciate that work. I am facing an issue regarding this code. I am getting...
Thank you for the code. I would like to ask, can this be changed to a real-time waveform with time as the abscissa, that is, to draw one or more...
values of csi data before scaling reaches 100000 after scaling it reach about -150 db while using something like csiread package it's about 60 I am using python
I need to execute before receiving data/, There is a command sudo service network manager stop, but it is impossible to transmit data to another computer in real time....