bookmarker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bookmarker copied to clipboard

Export Google Chrome bookmarks into markdown files


Build Status

This project is used to parse your Chrome bookmarker file into a human readable format so you can see it anywhere :)

Made with Elixir 💜

Convert your Google Chrome's bookmarks into markdown files


mix escript.install github lubien/bookmarker


Enter the cloned repo folder then:

mix deps.get
mix #=> aliased mix.escript_build


Usage: bookmarker [options]

  -f, --file            Set where your chrome bookmarks file is.
   Default: ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Bookmarks
  -t, --title           Set a title for the rendered markdown.
   Default: Google Chrome Bookmarks
  -d, --description     Set a description for the rendered markdown.
   Default: Generated by Bookmarker
  -s, --sort            Set if the list is sorted.
      Default: false
  --no-timestamp        Prevent appending of build datetime after description.
   Default: use timestamp
  -i, --ignore          Ignore folders. You may set this multiple times.
  -p, --path            Restrict to folder. You may set this one time only.
  -o, --output          Save rendered markdown to a file.
   Default: none (output to stdin)


    # output into your stdout.

  bookmarker -i "Foo/Bar"
    # ignore the folder named Bar inside Foo.

  bookmarker -o "./"
    # save rendered markdown into a file named "" in your cwd.
