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Add metatags for social networks
Today, if we share a link from Speakerfight into facebook or twitter there will be no previews or meaningful texts in the post because we didint setup any tags on html files.
This issue is related with #7, it should be awesome if when I Share a proposal, the preview use the Author photo and the texts came from the proposal.
Hi, I'd like to give this a shot!
Hi @steffiau, If you need anything, please just tell me. And do you have any plans in how to approach this issue?
Hi @luanfonceca, I've wanted to take a look first before giving a suggestion, but I'm having problems building the environment. I had some permission problems running pip install, so I ran the below:
sudo pip install --ignore-installed -r requirements.txt
It got me further but then it had this error:
creating /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7/greenlet
error: could not create '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7/greenlet': Operation not permitted
Still trying to find a fix. Any ideas?
Hi @steffiau
I think the problems you have are related to installing these depencies inside OS Python, right?
Just like Ruby, Python has its own virtual environment ecosystem (pip
). It means you need a virtualenv to install Speakerfight dependencies without harming your MacOS.
Did I help you? :D
Thanks @mauricioabreu! Yes I've looked for similar issues online and seems like most point to problem with using OS Python. I've tried using homebrew to install another version of Python but it didn't help. (Hopefully I haven't totally messed up my environment yet) I will try installing virtualenv and see if it works!
@steffiau cool! You are in the right way.
After installing virtualenv (it needs root permissions to be installed), you can can execute these commands:
virtualenv my_env_name (commonly `env`)
source my_env_name/bin/activate (depends upon on your shell environment)
Now you can follow the rest of the docs to start hacking on.
@mauricioabreu Thanks for the tip! I got it going finally :)
You are welcome @steffiau :D
I am looking at adding the meta tags in index.html, event_list.html, past_event_list.html, event_detail.html, in its own block. E.g.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-4f777bac7bca077f" async="async"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/proposals.css' %}" type="text/css" media="screen" />
{% endblock head %}
{% block head_title %}{{ event }}{% endblock %}
<!-- meta tags for Facebook and Twitter -->
{% block head_meta %}
{% endblock head_meta %}
{% block content %}
<ol class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="{% url 'index_page' %}">{% trans "Home" %}</a></li>
For event_detail.html, I can use the event.title and event.description For the index.html, event_list.html, past_event_list.html, what would you like to use for description? Also, is there any image (maybe something with the site's logo for example) you want to use?
I've looked at adding meta tags for proposals, but I'm afraid that's out of my capability at this moment (not as familiar with Django yet)
Hey, can I help with this one? Seems like it hasn't been implemented yet.