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Fast, small, webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua.

Results 131 luakit issues
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Allows compiling in a work directory and setting the paths to the final installed path Disables relative development paths while keeping DEVELOPMENT_PATHS=1 working

I'd love to see luakit on android via f-droid, specifically because it'd fill a niche for a browser that is heavily customisable on that platform. Has anyone ever tried building...

I built an SPA that displays at some point in a `` vider 🍽️ (🍽️ is copied from [Emojipedia]( or [Unicode Character Table]( On my Windows 10 with Chrome, this...

There is any way that i can start luakit with the statusbar hidden, and unhide is with a keypress?

Some info: Example use:


**Current Behavior:** Using the session module, I cannot seem to save a user-defined session and load it via a user-defined function in userconf.lua **Desired Behavior:** I'd like to use the...

**Current Behavior:** When a new LuaKit window is opened, either manually or when links are clicked in other apps, it will have tabs from an existing instance. **Desired Behavior:** Either:...

Also, it would be nice if Github Discussions are enabled. :-)

#### I'm submitting a… Bug Report #### Current Behavior When you click on a link with `target="_blank"` attribute (a link that opens a new tab) or even simply :tabopen some...


**Current Behavior:** ``` PASS async/test_lua_files_load_successfully / test_all_lua_files_load_successfully CONT async/test_undoclose / test_undo_close_works nil CONT async/test_undoclose / test_undo_close_works nil FAIL async/test_undoclose / test_undo_close_works tests/async/test_undoclose.lua:49: assertion failed! Traceback: (1) /usr/share/lua/5.1/luassert/assert.lua:171 in function assert...
