Denis Y.
Denis Y.
vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~/Project/tensorflow_eigen$ bazel build -c opt --config=sycl //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package Extracting Bazel installation... Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it... .................. INFO: SHA256 ( = a29e3e67beef1ad0ea6b0afd44b4b2c0e6054d1f9d68fdbd0c4ce434e59533e0 ERROR: /home/vagrant/.cache/bazel/_bazel_vagrant/e647697a348b187726950a371af92dd1/external/jpeg/BUILD:126:12: Illegal ambiguous match on...
It looks as the build system is trying to use arm architecture to build up, have no clue why...
Thanks, trying...
@Rbiessy @mirh Ok, guys I've compiled TF as mentioned above, for both eigen and lukeiwanski repos, i.e. by using ComputeCpp CE 0.9.1, but the resulting TF build reports b'ComputeCpp-v0.6.0-4212-gb29ac8a' 1.8.0-rc1....
Hi, here is the output: ``` $ /usr/local/computecpp/bin/computecpp_info ******************************************************************************** ComputeCpp Info (CE 0.9.1) SYCL 1.2.1 revision 3 ******************************************************************************** Toolchain information: GLIBC version: 2.23 GLIBCXX: 20160609 This version of libstdc++ is...
@mirh I was able compile TF using provided archive but it still shows just one GPU in TF.
Guys, I was wondering if you provide payed support, I need to get TF working with all devices in my machine? The issue is highly critical for me and I'm...
@jwlawson your trick worked, I was able to access all GPUs in my system, though it turns out that not everything works smooth for example eager execution is not able...
@lukeiwanski I've sent an email to you (used your github email [email protected]), JFYI