Libin Lu
Libin Lu
Does it also break if you specify the device id explicitly in the kwargs? e.g. ``` cufinufft.nufft2d1( *"cuda:1"), data.reshape(-1, 12000).to("cuda:1"), (320,320), isign=-1, gpu_device_id=1 ) ```
> @lu1and10 no, that seems to have fixed it (sorry for not chasing through enough `**kwarg` doc to find that option). > > > > So this issue can be...
In case we need to implement matlab cufinufft interface soon, post here as a future reference. Following is a small working example from Hai Zhu for calling cuda from matlab...
> We also have inconsistency that makefile builds lib-static/libfinufft.a but cmake builds libfinufft_static.a Could we remove `_static` from the latter name? add `set_target_properties(finufft_static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "finufft")` in cmake may work
Yes, it only works on mac/linux, windows breaks because the generated .exp files(one for shared lib and one for static lib) will have the same name. If really need to...
That's great, thanks. PR #495 has a lot of changes for the cmake build system, I prefer smaller PRs to do smaller incremental changes. For this issue, I guess only
Agreed, just large changes to different features make life hard to debug, especially we are make several compilers working on 3 OSes.
The offcial code does not have `dllexport` and `dllimport` enabled for windows. I have a local fork which enables `dllexport` and `dllimport`. If you would like to test the beta...
> > The offcial code does not have `dllexport` and `dllimport` enabled for windows. I have a local fork which enables `dllexport` and `dllimport`. If you would like to test...
> Hi Iman, Thanks for testing this - do you have an application in mind? I think method=4 is experimental (not discussed in our paper) and not recommended - can...