Libin Lu
Libin Lu
@garrettwrong I see `pyfftw` wheel []( on pipy packages in: ``` libfftw3-3.dll libfftw3f-3.dll libfftw3l-3.dll ``` `finufft` packages in: ``` libfftw3-3.dll libfftw3f-3.dll libfftw3f_omp-3.dll libfftw3_omp-3.dll ``` So does it mean `pyfftw` is...
@garrettwrong I did some search, pyfftw's pipy wheels are build with fftw 3.3.5 []( We use pacman's [mingw-w64-x86_64-fftw threaded 3.3.10]( I guess it's not compatible as you said. To use...
@garrettwrong I’m able to run anaconda installed pyfftw and pip installed finufft on my native installed windows. I also tried github action miniconda, it seems working with the failing example...
@garrettwrong If you change your ci for windows as in []( to install finufft 2.2.0 on windows, your ci should work now. I updated a particular windows wheel to have...
Garrett, Thanks for letting us know this issue. It's good to know that this incompatible dependent lib loading issue. We should upload the wheel with name mangling libs in later...
I guess only linux wheels are uploaded,
> Maybe related, but the wheel names are the same (`finufft-2.2.0.dev0-py3-none-any.whl`) for both win and mac, which I assume would cause problems. The python version is not encoded in name...
> > Maybe related, but the wheel names are the same (`finufft-2.2.0.dev0-py3-none-any.whl`) for both win and mac, which I assume would cause problems. > > The python version is not...
Thanks for the issue, you haven't tested the cmake for matlab on windows, current cmake should work for matlab on mac. Hopefully we will improve to make cmake for matlab...
Yes, you are correct, gpu code has options: which is different from cpu code options.