Levent Tutar
Levent Tutar
I have the following json file. { "users": [ { "id": 1, "username": "RGershowitz", "motto": "curabitur et magna placerat tellus" }, { "id": 2, "username": "NMuroski", "motto": "ante nullam dolor...
When I have the following yaml: ``` user_instances: 'testuser1': ensure: 'present' password: 'weblogic1' authenticationprovider: 'DefaultAuthenticator' realm: 'myrealm' description: 'my test user' # this will use default as wls_setting identifier group_instances:...
The following yaml ``` fmw_cluster_instances: 'soaCluster': domain_name: "%{hiera('wls_domain_name')}" osb_cluster_name: "%{hiera('osb_cluster_name')}" osb_enabled: true nodemanager_secure_listener: true log_output: *logoutput ``` connects with t3. ``` Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles::Wls::Fmwcluster/Orawls::Utils::Fmwcluster[soaCluster]/Exec[execwlst changeWorkmanagers.py soaCluster]/returns: Connecting to t3:// with userid...
After downloading the module: root@puppetmaster modules]# puppet module install coi-jboss Notice: Preparing to install into /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules ... Notice: Downloading from https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com ... Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ... /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules...
It would be nice to create the user through yaml like jboss::user: 'admin': 'password': 'Secret01!'
I would like to install rundeck from a local rpm. I could not find the way to to it in the puppet code. Is this possible and I am missing...
Hi, I was wondering when we can expect a higher release than v2.1.1 which is from 24th of May 2024. I can not find it in https://github.com/Azure/login/issues/424 I am waiting...