Leonidas Tsaprounis
Leonidas Tsaprounis
Looks like the only problem is a docstring. Here is a link to the line in the logs: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/sktime/runs/6135840487?check_suite_focus=true#step:6:73
> Now, I frequently use `ranking_metrics_at_k`, and I clearly understood `fmin(K, likes.size())`. > > If `K < likes.size()`, it behaves precision. > If `K > likes.size()`, it behaves recall. >...
Thanks @mitchelloharawild! This will be a very powerful feature when we get it right. I'm trying to compare results between forecasts where I'm using box-cox with the lambda from guererro...
> Please note that the absolute value is not there to avoid negative numbers, but instead arises mathematically: > > If ϵt∼N(0,σ2) then yt=μy,t(1+ϵt)∼N(μy,t,μy,t2σ2). We then end up with the...
I agree! will make a STEP PR soon.