You can currently use BackButtonListener() as a temporary alternative, like this ```dart BackButtonListener( onBackButtonPressed: () { var routePath = Get.currentRoute; if (routePath == '/') { if (_lastPressedAt == null ||...
I've also had this problem after popScope, but I'm currently not using two BackButtonListeners. This is indeed a problem.
GetX 4.6.6 does not seem to have this problem and ```PopScope``` can be used correctly
I also encountered this problem, I changed ```dart await Get.putAsync(() => AuthService().init()); ``` to ```dart Get.put(AuthService()); await Get.find().init(); ``` If I don't do this, my authentication status will be returned...
I also encountered the same problem, some pages will have this problem, some pages will not, some devices will happen, some devices will not; when the loading process occurs, the...