Lars Toenning
Lars Toenning
The log function for the server file expects the argument as number of lines: but the argument of the signal triggering this slot is kilobytes: As the input...
A single call to ``CModelDataReader::read`` can trigger multiple reads for different entities with different URLs. But only the last used URL is passed with the signal here: I do...
With the new ICAO flightplan format, the PBN capabilities are specified as letter codes, like the equipment codes. They should be listed in the remark field like ``PBN/A1``. Currently, the...
Internally, MSFS currently pretends to be FSX. However, in the future, MSFS should be supported natively to leverage new MSFS SimConnect features and to avoid user confusion. Some work has...
VATSIM Velocity introduced new network packets (i.a. ``VisualPilotDataUpdate`` and ``VisualPilotDataPeriodic``) that also contain the aircraft velocity in cartesian direction, as well as the pitch, roll and yaw velocities and a...
For debugging the interpolators, an option to simulate movement with the emulated driver would be very helpful. This could for example move the aircraft with constant speed or accelerating while...
From these lines: we are getting the following warning when running on ``macos-12``: ``` /usr/local/bin/brew install p7zip Warning: p7zip 17.05 is already installed and up-to-date. To reinstall 17.05, run:...