IFRNet copied to clipboard
您好,感谢您开源代码,代码写的很清晰,readme的可操作性也很强。但是我在尝试训练IFRNet_S的时候,发现我训练后的模型无法正确复现论文中的结果。我用了4张3090,完全按照readme中的命令进行的操作。最终只能得到34.45的PSNR。我的train.log如下,想问问可能出现的问题会在哪里,期待您的回复。 train.log
Is PSNR of IFRNet_S equals to 34.45 or 35.46 according to your experiment?
Yes, follow the Readme, I generate the flow by liteflownet, and then perform training process by python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 train_vimeo90k.py --world_size 4 --model_name 'IFRNet' --epochs 300 --batch_size 6 --lr_start 1e-4 --lr_end 1e-5
But finally, I only get the PSNR of 34.45 or 35.46.
In your provided train.log
file, the IFRNet_S
model has achieved PSNR of 35.46, why you say that you get the PSNR of 34.45?
I apologize for my mistake, but the accuracy in the paper should be 35.59, which is a huge difference from the results I trained, and I think this is the problem we need to solve.
In addition, in the log I provided, the optimal precision should be 35.46, which I incorrectly described as 34.45. I am sorry for my mistake. But 35.46 is still 0.13dB away from 35.59 in the paper, so I wanted to find out what went wrong.
Some hyperparameters may should be adjusted for IFRNet_S
. You can set --lr_end 3e-5
, reduce the data augmentatioin probability of random_resize and random_rotate and set crop_size=(256, 256)
in random_crop. You should get the results of IFRNet
in the paper by running provided training script.
Thank you very much for your reply, I will try the way you said. Good luck with your future research, thank you again.