Lee Tickett
Lee Tickett
I just rechecked and now the page is loading and matches between the amplifyapp.com address and fp.tickett.net So I decided to try deploying a new version... That is immediately reflected...
Really glad you've been able to recreate. I hope I'm not doing something silly. It seems like a super straightforward config/setup. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
Any joy @hloriana ? I feel like I may have to jump ship soon if we can't figure out what's going on :/
Super, thanks @Narrator Is this known issue documented publicly? It might have saved me a lot of wasted effort. Similarly, where can I follow along to see the status of...
@Narrator any progress? Are you still optimistic we'll get this resolved by the end of the week? Thanks L
Hi @Narrator - just checking in to see if you have an update please?
Bad news unfortunately @Narrator The issue still seems to exist. Let me know if you need any further detail. Thanks L
It's looking OK now from my laptop (my phone is still showing the access denied message, though works in incognito, so I guess some browser caching might be going on)....
@bradwilson let me know if this is something I can attempt to contribute. I've never contributed to the project before but would love to have a stab. Thanks
I've just taken a quick look. I guess we would want to add something around https://github.com/ajryan/RptToXml/blob/3a8998d87f5d1c4cd35292239d44bd2f3a32ded8/RptToXml/RptDefinitionWriter.cs#L929 I don't think we're currently extracting any field formatting. But it looks like we...