
Results 344 comments of Guillaume

> Yeah, that would've been something Well, when I looked at the code a while back, it seemed like the logic to do that is already there, but perhaps it...

I am not managing or testing the Chocolatey package, but does this mean that the autorun option from the settings doesn't work when using Chocolatey?

@tunisiano187 @pauby Do you have any idea what's causing these 2 issues?

I don't use Chocolatey. I just wanted to get you together so that hopefully you guys can reproduce and tell me what is actually going on if you think it's...

@BrandonKMLee @tunisiano187 If it's what I think it is, then [v2.2.2]( will fix this.

Hmz, I never implemented this. The result of setting the brightness via this feature is vastly inferior to setting the brightness on your monitor, so if you can set the...

>Alternative solutions >Collect and send crash reports without user intervention. This needs a backend and internet permission. Please don't!

Just spitballing here, but what if you were forced in any way to change the way servers log or process metadata? A warrant canary would be nice in that case.

For some reason, I can now reproduce this reliably when enabling the feature to lock the desktop. 1. Like mentioned in the row count and column count have been...

@CarlosEkisde Thanks, I'll try this soon!