蓝牙和鼠标也是…要不我发下自己用的efi 你能看着帮我改下需要加什么嘛…同时你是怎么做到用读卡器的呀?
还是不能唤醒,AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer这个是sle 里面那个嘛?我删了后就出问题了就又放回去了。。 maz-1 于2018年11月14日 周三20:09写道: > 你按readme重新做一遍吧,把老文件都删掉,触控板选voodooi2c > 读卡器我加了syscl修改的rtsx驱动,不过我没试过 > > — > You are receiving this because you authored the thread. > Reply to this email directly, view it...
> What in your Clover folder prevents me from booting from usb hd ? > It stops at Apple logo and in verbose mode nothing happens Same problem while using...
> > So I think the way to go, if you have time and skills, is to make a working that will use files from (F4) EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin to make...
> Hey guys, > > Hope y'all are doing well > I cannot find anyone trying to do anything with Catalina but I updated the Mac OS on my i7-6560u...
not functional on my 9350,my Bluetooth didn't work out Dave Doga Oz 于2019年10月9日 周三00:49写道: > I haven’t tried it because I don’t have an iPad but it shows up in...
> not functional on my 9350,my Bluetooth didn't work out Dave Doga Oz 于2019年10月9日 周三00:49写道: > […](#) > I haven’t tried it because I don’t have an iPad but it...
BTW,is anyone working on the Opencore project of 9350?it seems will start much faster