node-mongo copied to clipboard
node+mongo project archetype demonstrating how to use node and mongo to build a restful webservice
This project provides a restful api of the invitation service
create an invitation
post - /resource/invitation
body - the fully fledged invitaion object that must contain all fields it might need later
load an invitation
get - /resource/invitation/:id
load open invitations
get - /resource/invitation/open/weiboId/:weiboId/page/:page
load closed invitations
get - /resource/invitation/closed/weiboId/:weiboId/page/:page
change status
post - /resource/invitation/:id/status
body- {user:{},status:""};
post - /resource/invitation/:id/reply
body - {content:"",date:new Date(),user:{weiboId:"",weiboName:""...}}
get city and shop
get - /resource/cities
get - /resource/shop
apns registration
post - /resource/apns/registration
body - {user:{},deviceToken:''}
The structure of the invitation object is like this:
"_id": "50b3237a0cf235d0ba9143a8",
"inviter": {
"user": {
"weiboId": "1794581765",
"weiboName": "福禄钱恩",
"weiboIcon": "",
"weiboIconSmall": ""
"invitees": [
"user": {
"weiboId": "2134062323",
"weiboName": "ltebean",
"weiboIcon": "",
"weiboIconSmall": ""
"status": "unknown"
"replyList": [
"content": "nice",
"user": {
"weiboId": "1794581765",
"weiboName": "福禄钱恩",
"weiboIcon": "",
"weiboIconSmall": ""
"date": "2012-11-26T08:10:57.749Z"
"creatDate": "2012-11-26T08:08:26.211Z",
"startDate": "2012-11-21T16:00:00.000Z",
"lastUpdateDate": "2012-11-26T08:10:57.749Z",
"description": "在阿猫一条鱼吃饭chifan",
"shopList": [
"shopId": 2725198,
"shopName": "阿猫一条鱼",
"address": "杨浦区国顺路587号(近政肃路)",
"phoneNo": "13127530310",
"latitude": 31.29442,
"longtitude": 121.50675,
"picUrlList": [
"shopId": 2725198,
"shopName": "阿猫一条鱼",
"address": "杨浦区国顺路587号(近政肃路)",
"phoneNo": "13127530310",
"latitude": 31.29442,
"longtitude": 121.50675,
"picUrlList": [
receive message through websocket
<script src="/"></script>
var socket = io.connect('');
// first register with weiboId
// then listent on this topic
socket.on('news', function (data) {;
// data is an array,the element is like this:
// {type:'new|status|reply',body:{the corresponding body}};