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Rate limite for Password reset

Open samuraiohelson opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

How can i develop a rate limit for a password reset function?

samuraiohelson avatar May 20 '22 10:05 samuraiohelson

What is missing in current implementation? What do you want to add?

coudot avatar May 20 '22 10:05 coudot

You told me at #653 , that it only works for SMS/Email reset.

I would like to have it to work at Password reset Function, I mean, in the function password change, if someone fails more than X times the old password, the system must block this user or IP for a certain period

samuraiohelson avatar May 20 '22 10:05 samuraiohelson

Ok, so it is for password change feature, not password reset.

Most of the time, the LDAP directory will block the account. But we can indeed maybe use rate limit here too. Just call rate limit method when old password is verified.

coudot avatar May 20 '22 11:05 coudot

Can you help me with the code?

samuraiohelson avatar May 20 '22 13:05 samuraiohelson

Not for the moment, we do this on our spare time.

It this need is for an organization, you can ask for professional services:

coudot avatar May 20 '22 13:05 coudot

i solved the problem...just add this lines, on the file, change.php, before the "# Check password strength" Code:

    if ( $result === "" )  {

        # Rebind as Manager if needed
        if ( $who_change_password == "manager" ) {
            $bind = ldap_bind($ldap, $ldap_binddn, $ldap_bindpw);


    **##############Start Set rate Limit#########################
    if ( $use_ratelimit ) {
        if ( ! allowed_rate($login,$_SERVER[$client_ip_header],$rrl_config) ) {
            $result = "throttle";
            error_log("Credentials - $login locked, to much attempts");
    ##############End Set rate Limit#########################**



# Check password strength
if ( $result === "" ) {
    $result = check_password_strength( $newpassword, $oldpassword, $pwd_policy_config, $login, $entry );

samuraiohelson avatar Jun 29 '22 13:06 samuraiohelson

working on it.

artlog avatar Jul 19 '22 05:07 artlog