self-service-password icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
self-service-password copied to clipboard

sugesting samba filter as well.

Open PGTBoos opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

Based upon I edited the example. Its perl filter for samba password renewal. (not for windows domains). So it can use the same self-service-password rules, upper lower number special and forbidden chars. Fuzzy matching not included (as I wasnt running latest vesion of ssp). Maybe it's something to add to this site /repo. So the rules work on both sides and can be the same, direct client password change and website password change.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This Script will check password complexity

#minimal character categories of which a password should exist  as a-z , A-Z ,0-9, special chars 

$forbiddenchars = '*,(,),&,|,%';

# get the password from standard input ( possible to pipe )
$str_pass=<STDIN> ;
# now lets start check and update the counters is we find something
# but first lets set all counters to zero

$cat_lower  = 0;
$cat_upper  = 0;
$cat_number = 0;
$cat_special =0;

# conver the string to array
@array_pass = split('',$str_pass);
# convert specias carachter into array
@arrayspecialchars = split(',',$specialchars);

@arrayforbiddenchars = split(','$forbiddenchars);

foreach $pass_char (@array_pass)
	# check upercase
	if($pass_char =~ /[A-Z]/)
	# check lowercase
	elsif($pass_char =~ /[a-z]/)
	# check digits
	elsif($pass_char =~ /[0-9]/)
	# check special characters
	foreach $schar (@arrayspecialchars)
		if($pass_char =~ /Q$schar/)
	foreach $schar (@arrayforbiddenchars)
		if($pass_char =~ /Q$schar/)
# check if we reached minimal length

	print "too short , minimum $min_length and got $ctr_length n";
	exit 1 ;
# check if we reached minimal UPER case
	print "not enough upercase , minimum $min_upercase and got $ctr_upercase n";
	exit 2;
# check if we reached minimal lower case
	print "not enough lowercase , minimum $min_lowercase and got $ctr_lowercase n";
	exit 3;
# check if we reached minimal digits
	print "not enough digits , minimum $min_digits and got $ctr_digits n";
	exit 3;
# check if we reached minimal special characters
	print "not enough special characters , minimum $min_specialchar and got $ctr_specialcar n";
	exit 4;

# Added by peterboos to have the same password pollicy on on Samba as on the SSP websites.
# SSP has some protection against symbols that could be used in php injection attacks.
# which might not be the best.. (all scripts on any  site should be safe against that).
	print "its not allowed to use these letters $forbiddenchars in the password";
	exit 5 ;

# Added by Peter Boos to be the same as SSP site.
if ( ($cat_lower+$cat_upper+$cat_number+$cat_special)<$min_charactercategories)
	print "Password is not  complex enough, there are lower / upper case number and special characters available to you";
	exit 6;

# if you got up to here , meaning you passed it all with success
# we can now return a non error exit
exit 0;

PGTBoos avatar Nov 17 '20 08:11 PGTBoos

Thanks, I'll see how to include it

coudot avatar Nov 17 '20 08:11 coudot

I wonder if the best solution would not be to call the new web service /rest/v1/checkpassword.php

coudot avatar Mar 29 '21 20:03 coudot