jupyter_tensorboard copied to clipboard
Tensorboard GET 404 (Not Found)
I have python 2.7.12, pip 9.0.1 and tensorboard 1.10.0 . But I can't get tensorboard to work. I keep getting the following in Jupyter home page:
Jupyter tensorboard extension error
Check that tensorflow(-gpu)>=1.3 is installed.
Check that jupyter, tensorflow and jupyter_tensorboard have the same python version.
Check that jupyter_tensorboard is installed via pip list. If you want uninstall this extension, run jupyter nbextension disable jupyter_tensorboard/tree --user and jupyter nbextension uninstall jupyter_tensorboard --user;
Copy your browser console logs to submit a new issue in https://github.com/lspvic/jupyter_tensorboard
In Chrome's console it says:
Loaded moment locale en
Loading extension: jupyter_tensorboard/tree
GET http://<IP_ADDR>:32405/api/tensorboard?_=1536324594391 404 (Not Found)
I have the exact same problem.
Also, I could open the tensorboard plugin when I ran a new jupyter notebook from command line, however, it failed when the jupyter notebook is running as a service in the background (https://aichamp.wordpress.com/2017/06/13/setting-up-jupyter-notebook-server-as-service-in-ubuntu-16-04/) .