Feeding tasks with details (e.g start/end boundaries, task duration, energy usage profile) to this ‘energy management service’ is one thing(demand). The other can be a bit more complex. The prices...
Don't want to oversimpify, but for on a high level, i think such a system should consistent of three modules; 1. Demand; device x (like a EV) demands to use...
> s power, I also think that the demand requires some "priority levels" as @mstormi mentioned [here]( with the SG ready modes. I only tried to model the basics, offcourse...
> e more input on levels. I also integrated EVCC Electric Vehicle Charge Controller in my EM system. They're also discussing charge modes along these lines in their project. Their...
> Regarding the considerations of EnergyUser and the existing openHAB concepts. In my eyes all these EnergyUser devices are Things. There are Bindings to most of these already and eventually...
Oké, in that case I think can be closed, as these are the last dependencies in addons repo. Full list is here @wborn wdyt?
This issue is not about removing commons-net at **this** moment, its scope is much smaller. It is about reducing some dependencies to commons-net. I know we still depend on commons-net...
> The last commit will be probably a controversial one; I'm very interested to get your opinions. I do not use the classic icons anymore for the channel definitions, but...
> I am hesitant here what opinion to have here. Whilst I agree that bindings should not need to know (too much) about the UI, I agree that it would...
> My proposal is, to extend the available categories (i.e. update the docs with new ones) and introduce a mapping from categories to iconsets inside the UI. It should be...