angular2-emoji-picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
angular2-emoji-picker copied to clipboard

[Angular Library] Emoji picker for angular2+ (not maintained)

npm version

Emoji picker for Angular

This project was forked from the EmojiPanel project created by DanBovey

It's pretty basic right now, not very customizable but propagates necessary emoji selection events and comes with basic search and category selection functionalities.


Demo uses the sprite sheets


import { EmojiPickerModule } from 'angular2-emoji-picker';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

Use The Sprite Sheet

/** file: app.component.ts */

import { EmojiPickerOptions } from 'angular2-emoji-picker';

/** imported seperately to reduce package size for those who won't use sheets */
import { EmojiPickerAppleSheetLocator } from 'angular2-emoji-picker/sheets';

constructor(private emojiPickerOptions: EmojiPickerOptions) {
      url: 'sheet_apple_32.png',
      locator: EmojiPickerAppleSheetLocator

include the sheet_apple_32.png file in your build and provide your specific file url

/** .angular-cli.json */

  "apps": [
      "assets": [
        { "glob": "sheet_apple_32.png", "input": "../node_modules/angular2-emoji-picker/sheets/", "output": "./" }

Directive API:

    (click)="toggled = !toggled"
    [emojiPickerDirection]="'bottom' || 'top' || 'left' || 'right'"
    [emojiPickerPreserveSelection]="true || false"
    [emojiPickerAutofocus]="true || false"

Emitter (emojiPickerSelect)="handleSelection($event)"

$event = EmojiEvent{ char : "😌", label : "relieved" }


added for your convenience, emits information regarding a contenteditable enabled element

Emitter (emojiPickerCaretEmitter)="handleCaretChange($event)"

$event = CaretEvent{ caretOffset: 13, caretRange: Range{...}, textContent: 'content of div or input' }

Emoji Picker will get placed relative the element chosen via the directive api, centered and within window borders