pgoapi-swift copied to clipboard
A Pokemon GO API library for Swift
The Legacy Hash 0.45 has been denied by Niantic Server. Any ideas how to use the HashApi? Thanks.
All of `class public func decodeToBuilder(jsonMap:Dictionary) throws -> Pogoprotos.Data.Badge.BadgeCaptureReward.Builder` must have the prefix `override`
I'm using the branch, Swift3.0---Version-45 and follow the updating Protos steps. It does not work. Here is my environment: protobuf-swift (3.1.0) POGOProtos (2.3.0) Would you please help?
Hi, Isapan… I cannot get anything with the following position: (22.380837, 114.206024) But, when I switch back to the position (37.33233141, -122.0312186), there is many Pokemons and Forts as normal…...
Hello there, I've been looking for simple Pokémon Go api on github which I can rip off or use a small portion of it as one of my applications layers....