Laurence Rowe
Laurence Rowe
This is unavoidable as all namespace prefixes are stripped by the libxml2 HTMLParser. HTML has no concept of namespaces, though browsers do seem to allow ':' in element and attribute...
The changes involved were to support easier modification of content by supporting `` similar to `` For the text case you should probably use: ``` ... ``` For the attributes...
@DonutEspresso: > @lrowe I'm not sure about the use case here: >> keys which roundtrip to integers may also be collapsed to ranges >Could you expand on that a little...
@hekike: JS objects and thus JSON and JSON Graph coerce all keys to strings. So JSON Graph Keys must be coerced to strings when being compared (since `["videos", 123]` and...
Use isIntegerKey (or maybeIntegerKey which returns a number or undefined) to check if a key may be considered an integer.
My initial reaction is to just close this as whitespace is significant in html and diazo puposefully preserves it - the whitespace following the open tag is therefore treated as...
I got my example case slightly wrong as it would only affect whitespace only text nodes: ``` xml Hello ``` Currently it produces `Hello username` whereas to support your usecase...
Pretty printing for debugging diazo itself is a nice to have but not a show stopper, but whitespace can effect browser rendering. It looks like is the only test...