Oskar Laverny
Oskar Laverny
Hi, It will be great if we incorporate a scout option to the PSO algorithm, as proposed by https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-11128-5_21 and https://academic.oup.com/jcde/article/6/2/129/5732336 The scout option helps the algorithm to regenerate particles...
Hey, In one of my packahe, I wanted to use RCall in tests to compare the results I have with existing R packages that are supposed to compute the same...
Hey, Following a [comment on discourse](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/a-macro-to-unroll-by-hand-but-not-by-hand/74633/16) from @chriselrod, I increased the buffer size on my local machine. I do not necessarily want you to merge this, but I'd like to...
I think this is an upstream problem - the `copula` (and hence also `input_distribution`) lost the type information and generate samples of type `Float64`. _Originally posted by @devmotion in https://github.com/SciML/GlobalSensitivity.jl/pull/158#discussion_r1550752719_
We could use something like that to proof-read the docs again : https://forem.julialang.org/danielvandh/efficiently-fixing-typos-in-documentation-1j88
See there : https://jds-online.org/journal/JDS/article/1266/info to be able to fit student copula.
Some of the models are still lacking estimation procedures at all. All models that have a density should be able to provide a MLE estimation procedure to perform IFM via...
It would be nice to propose vines copulas. Step One would be to find a right source to devise the code structure necessary to iplement such models. Step Two would...
The following properties of the copulas: - kendall tau - spearman rho - tail dependence coefficients should be clarified and included into the general API. it is weird that we...
As noted by @lidiamandre in #50 , implementing the option to use extreme values copulas would be neat :) We may take a look at the R evd package to...