ansible-kubernetes-cluster copied to clipboard
Ansible roles to deploy Kubernetes, JupyterHub, Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and Spark on Kubernetes cluster
Deploy a self-service Notebook environment on Kubernetes cluster
This repository defines multiple Ansible Roles to help deploying and configuring a Kubernetes cluster with JupyterHub, Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and Elyra extensions to JupyterLab Notebooks.
You will need a driver machine with ansible installed and a clone of the current repository:
- If you are running on cloud (public/private network)
- Install ansible on the edge node (with public ip)
- if you are running on private cloud (public network access to all nodes)
- Install ansible on your laptop and drive the deployment from it
Installing Ansible on RHEL
curl -O
sudo rpm -i epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y ansible
Installing Ansible on Mac
- Install Annaconda
- Use pip install ansible
pip install --upgrade ansible
Updating Ansible configuration
In order to have variable overriding from host inventory, please add the following configuration into your ~/.ansible.cfg file
host_key_checking = False
hash_behaviour = merge
command_warnings = False
Supported/Tested Platform
- RHEL 7.x
- Ansible 2.10.3
Available deployment Ansible Roles
- common: Basic OS updates and configurations common to all scenarios
- kubernetes: Basic Kubernetes platform and utilities required to run either Jupyter or Spark environments
- jupyter-enterprise-gateway: Deploy necessary images for Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and supported kernels
- jupyterhub: Deploy JupyterHub environment using custom Notebook image for remote kernels (using Enterprise Gateway)
Defining deployment metadata (host inventory)
Ansible uses 'host inventory' files to define the cluster configuration, nodes, and groups of nodes that serves a given purpose (e.g. master node, worker nodes, etc).
Below is a host inventory sample definition:
lresende-kube-node-1 ansible_host= ansible_host_private=
lresende-kube-node-2 ansible_host= ansible_host_private=
lresende-kube-node-3 ansible_host= ansible_host_private=
lresende-kube-node-4 ansible_host= ansible_host_private=
lresende-kube-node-5 ansible_host= ansible_host_private=
Deployment of Kubernetes and a self-service notebook environment
The sample setup-kubernetes.yml
playbook deploys a Kubernetes cluster and configure JupyterHub
and Elyra extensions to JupyterLab Notebooks.
- name: setup kubernetes
hosts: all
remote_user: root
- role: common
- role: kubernetes
- role: jupyter-enterprise-gateway
- role: jupyterhub
ansible-playbook --verbose <deployment playbook.yml> -i <hosts inventory>
ansible-playbook --verbose setup-kubernetes.yml -c paramiko -i hosts-fyre-kubernetes