I'm not sure that I'm seeing that in the run you referenced. What I'm seeing (by looking at the playback videos) is that it's starting from a fresh state and...
I'm also chipping away at it. I think I found a reasonable solution to ensuring the state is cleared between tests. In my testing branch, I've added a parent command...
I was able to get a clean run. It seems as though cypress didn't like selecting an anchor by text. I've added a data attribute and am selecting the link...
Failed last night: https://github.com/OWASP/threat-dragon/runs/6125664997?check_suite_focus=true I'd like to get these stable before closing this, re-opening! :)
This can probably be looked into again, as MacOS signing is done and Windows signing will be done in the very near future.
Hey @RockRunner007 Thanks for opening the issue! Version 2 is currently in development and has implemented the zoom feature. Exporting to PNG/JPEG/SVG is on the roadmap for v2, but may...
Thanks so much for sharing that context! It's helpful for us to understand how people are using it in different organizations. I think the _best_ solution would be to get...
We haven't published a desktop release yet, but the web version is updated off of the main branch at [https://www.threatdragon.com/](https://www.threatdragon.com/) When using the local session option, it is a 1:1...
Just leaving some notes: Off the top of my head (I will try to remember to check later today) - We have eslint configured for both td.vue and td.server, with...
The new JSON schema will be tightly coupled to the drawing package. (It currently is tightly coupled to JointJS). I think the easiest path forward would be using X6 as...