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Add Attribute Spreading
I think attribute spreading must be added to leptonic.
Attribute spreading was added to leptos
I tried to use this, but it not works for Link
of leptonic
use leptonic::prelude::*;
use leptos::*;
pub fn NavLink(
#[prop(into)] link: String,
#[prop(into)] icon: MaybeSignal<icondata::Icon>,
#[prop(into)] text: String,
#[prop(attrs)] attrs: Vec<(&'static str, Attribute)>,
) -> impl IntoView {
view! {
<Link {attr} href=link>
<div class="flex gap-2">
<Icon icon=icon class="text-2xl"/>
Then we can use like this;
<NavLink link="/" icon=icondata::BsHouse text="Home" attr:class="w-full"/>
I think it is very important feature and must be quickly added to leptonic