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A set of various projects based on ESP8266, ESP32, ATtiny13, ATtiny85, ATtiny2313, ATmega8, ATmega328, ATmega32, STM32 and more.

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hello, i tried your code. unfortunately it doesn't work. what do I have to enter where exactly that it works with the arduino uno. #include /** * The instance of...

Hi, While testing the example from **esp-idf/examples/wifi/simple_sniffer** I found that _esp_wifi_set_channel(...)_ did not work. One of the reasons was a missing call to _esp_wifi_start();_ One could see the following warning...

Hi, I have just downloaded your collection of inc files, and after extracting they seem to be executable (755), all except one -, which has mod bits 664. I...

Hi, Thanks so much for ATTiny13 projects, there are very usefully. please share the circuit diagram of this projects "digital DC ampmeter with MAX7219" and "digital DC voltmeter with MAX7219"....

Hi friend. I need your help. Can you explain your code to me. How do you think the value of OCR0A is? How did you calculate the value of...