FFMPEG-NDI copied to clipboard
FFMPEG with NDI support
Builds FFMPEG with NDI enabled
Download required installation files
Make sure git is installed.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/lplassman/FFMPEG-NDI.git
Clone the FFMPEG repository and cd
into it
git clone https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git && cd ffmpeg
Checkout 4.4 or later version of FFMPEG
git checkout n5.1
Apply Generic GitHub Email
git config user.email "[email protected]"
Apply Patch to revert changes when NDI was removed from FFMPEG
sudo git am ../FFMPEG-NDI/libndi.patch
sudo cp ../FFMPEG-NDI/libavdevice/libndi_newtek_* libavdevice/
At this point, FFMPEG is now reverted back to the way it was before NDI was removed from it.
Install Prerequisites for building FFMPEG with base libraries
sudo bash ../FFMPEG-NDI/preinstall.sh
Choose the appropriate NDI install for the CPU architecture
Install NDI Libraries on Raspberry Pi 4 64-bit
sudo bash ../FFMPEG-NDI/install-ndi-rpi4-aarch64.sh
Install NDI Libraries on Raspberry Pi 4 32-bit
sudo bash ../FFMPEG-NDI/install-ndi-rpi4-armhf.sh
Install NDI Libraries on Raspberry Pi 3 32-bit
sudo bash ../FFMPEG-NDI/install-ndi-rpi3-armhf.sh
Install NDI Libraries on x86_64 bit (Intel/AMD)
sudo bash ../FFMPEG-NDI/install-ndi-x86_64.sh
Install NDI Libraries on generic ARM64
Compiling on generic ARM64 requires use of the NDI Advanced SDK. Due to licensing restrictions, the NDI Advanced SDK must be downloaded manually from NDI's website: ndi.tv Extract the downloaded NDI Advanced SDK .tar file and copy it to the ffmpeg directory on the target device. This can be achieved by using FTP, SCP, or Samba.
sudo bash ../FFMPEG-NDI/install-ndi-generic-aarch64.sh
Install NDI Libraries on generic ARM32
Compiling on generic ARM32 requires use of the NDI Advanced SDK. Due to licensing restrictions, the NDI Advanced SDK must be downloaded manually from NDI's website: ndi.tv Extract the downloaded NDI Advanced SDK .tar file and copy it to the ffmpeg directory on the target device. This can be achieved by using FTP, SCP, or Samba.
sudo bash ../FFMPEG-NDI/install-ndi-generic-armhf.sh
Build and Install FFMPEG
The following is the bare minimum needed for sending and receiving NDI and more options can be added for a more feature filled FFMPEG build.
./configure --enable-nonfree --enable-libndi_newtek
make -j $(nproc)
sudo make install
Installation is now complete
Usage for FFMPEG with NDI
List all sources on the network
ffmpeg -f libndi_newtek -find_sources 1 -i dummy
Stream a webcam to NDI
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -video_size 1280x720 -pixel_format mjpeg -i /dev/video1 -f libndi_newtek -pix_fmt uyvy422 CameraOut
Monitor a NDI stream
ffplay -fs -alwaysontop -fflags nobuffer -f libndi_newtek -bandwidth 0 -i 'NDI-SOURCE (Stream 1)'
Monitor a NDI stream (low latency)
ffplay -fs -alwaysontop -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -framedrop -analyzeduration 0 -max_probe_packets 1 -max_delay 0 -probesize 100000 -f libndi_newtek -bandwidth 0 -i 'NDI-SOURCE (Stream 1)'
The bandwidth argument can accept a few options when receiving:
- 0 = High Bandwidth
- 1 = Low Bandwidth
- 2 = Audio Only
Helpful Tips
To view help
ffmpeg --help
To compress ffmpeg source to .tar file
tar -zcvf ffmpeg.tar.gz ffmpeg