Louis Pilfold

Results 281 issues of Louis Pilfold

``` error: linking with `aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc` failed: exit status: 1 | = note: LC_ALL="C" PATH="/rust/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/rust/bin" VSLANG="1033" "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" "-Wl,--version-script=/tmp/rustcogNEWq/list" "-Wl,--no-undefined-version" "/tmp/rustcogNEWq/symbols.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.0.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.1.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.10.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.11.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.12.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.13.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.14.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.15.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.2.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.3.rcgu.o" "/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/gleam_wasm.gleam_wasm.fdf8ced0-cgu.4.rcgu.o"...

help wanted

Currently the LSP will only remove diagnostics when inside a project.

help wanted
good first issue

``` Values were not equal expected: "" got: "//erl()" ```

good first issue
help wanted

With this PR the language server batches changes before compiling rather than compiling once on each update from the client. This reduces the amount of work performed and should help...

If you have experience with OOP or some other non-functional paradigm then it may be unclear how to write your code. Documenting common design patterns would be helpful! An existing...

help wanted

Currently the language server only gets information about the code after successful compilation, so there is a period of drift between the state of the code in the LS and...

help wanted

As opaque does nothing for external types

help wanted
good first issue

If the programmer deletes a source file and it is still imported elsewhere the build should fail. This would include external source files, metadata files, and all other files created...

help wanted

Hello! Thank you again for goatcounter. We wish to track multiple sites, but due to infrastructure limitations it is impractical for us to point a new domain name at the...


Thoas used to be as fast as Jason, but it seems that is no longer the case. It's unclear when this changed so investigate previous releases to see how they...