koka icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
koka copied to clipboard

A function-oriented language with effect inference

Koka: a function-oriented language with effect inference

To build Koka from source you need to install:

  • The Haskell platform (known to work with 2013.2.0.0 or later).
  • libncurses5-dev (on Linux)
  • node.js (optional)

After installing the above tools, go to the Koka directory and type:

> cabal update && cabal install

This will install Koka locally for the current user.

Starting out

After running koka, the Koka interpreter will start:

__          _
| |        | |
| | __ ___ | | __ __ _
| |/ // _ \| |/ // _` | welcome to the koka interpreter
|   <| (_) |   <| (_| | version 0.5.0-dev (debug), Apr  8 2013
|_|\_\\___/|_|\_\\__,_| type :? for help

loading: std/core

Now you can test some expressions:

> println("hi koka")
hi koka

> :t "hi"

> :t println("hi")
console ()

Or load a demo:

> :l demo/collatz
compile: lib/demo/collatz.kk
check  : demo/collatz

> main()
Collatz(27) took 111 steps.

Or a browser based demo:

> :l demo/dom/starfield
loading: demo/dom/starfield
loading: sys/dom
loading: sys/dom/types
loading: sys/dom/document
loading: sys/dom/html/window
loading: sys/dom/html/htmlElement
loading: sys/dom/html/htmlCanvasElement
loading: sys/dom/html/canvasRenderingContext2d
loading: sys/dom/css/cssStyleDeclaration
loading: demo/dom/microsoftLogo
loading: sys/dom/html/htmlTableElement
loading: sys/dom/html/htmlTableRowElement
loading: sys/dom/html/htmlTableDataCellElement

> main()

And quit the interpreter:

> :q

Before the effect one believes in different causes than one does after the effect.
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Have fun! Daan Leijen Lars Petersen


For development we recommend:

  • The excellent SublimeText text editor. There is a full Koka and Haskell language mode for SublimeText (run jake sublime to install the Koka mode on your system).

To generate a browsable haddock documentation run:

cabal haddock --executable --hyperlink-source