
Results 97 comments of loynoir

~20 lines quick fix ```sh NODE_OPTIONS="$NODE_OPTIONS -r $PWD/hook.cjs" karma start karma.config.mjs ``` ```js // hook.cjs const { addHook } = require('pirates') const revert = addHook( (code, _filename) => code .replace(/\nfunction...

Above require hook, force `import()` config. So - if you are using dialect, change `-r your_dialect_require_hook` to `--loader your_dialect_import_hook`, if your dialect support import hook. - if you are not...

Might I ask about when, will this go into master? 😂 --- In case, someone search issue and come here like me, here's my quick workaround using require hook. https://github.com/karma-runner/karma/issues/3677#issuecomment-984527542

The cert file may have different location. Solved by below. Less hard code, just using the same file as curl does. ```sh echo "ca-certificate=$(curl-config --ca)" >> ~/.aria2/aria2.conf ``` **Requirements** Install...

```sh $ tsx ./src/cli.mts SyntaxError: The requested module './util' does not provide an export named 'XXX_PROJECT_XXX' $ node --loader esbuild-node-loader ./src/cli.mts OK ```

Ah, found workaround, maybe reproduce another day. Given - `cli.mts` - `util.ts`, `.ts` by mistakenly not aligned to `.mts` Known - `tsx` syntax error about no export name - `esbuild-node-loader`...