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Is there a way to directly fetch a batch rather than a row?
I've noticed that most examples return data in a row-by-row format. Is there a way to get it in batches instead?🤔 For example, something like this process could retrieve an arrow formatted batch:
use clickhouse::Client;
use tokio;
use arrow::ipc::reader::StreamReader;
use std::io::Cursor;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Creating a ClickHouse Client
let client = Client::default()
// Execute a query and get the data in Arrow IPC format
let response = client.query("SELECT id, name, value FROM my_table FORMAT ArrowStream")
// Convert response data to Arrow StreamReader
let cursor = Cursor::new(response);
let mut reader = StreamReader::try_new(cursor)?;
// Processing Arrow batch data
while let Some(batch) = {
let batch = batch?;
println!("{:?}", batch);
println!("Arrow IPC read completed.");