
Results 25 comments of loxia01

I took a brief look into this. Because I'm not myself using ICS port mapping, I must first ask what your use case is. I tested on my system today...

Ok. As I understand after short testing and looking through some [Microsoft docs](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/ics/adding-and-removing-port-mappings-jscript-), it is possible to do this in PowerShell using a similar approach as in the `*-Ics` functions....

When I get time over I will try to add this to the module. Any inputs are welcomed.

I have written a test module you can [download](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loxia01/IcsPortMappings/main/IcsPortMapping.psm1) to your PSProfile module directory. It has one function at the moment, `Enable-IcsPortMapping`. The syntax is: ``` Enable-IcsPortMapping -ConnectionName -Name -PassThru...

ok, you can report back when you know more.