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Destiny TGX/Model Loader 2.0 Wishlist
This is a running wishlist of features I've either wanted to happen or have been requested to me multiple times over the years. Feel free to add your own and I'll see what I can do.
- export to editor friendly formats like obj, stl, smd (incl. textures)
- export to that fancy apple format
- being able to change items/shaders without needing to reload the whole loadout
- assigning weapons to attachment locations on guardians (ie in hand, stowed)
- animations which i WILL figure out
- doing data analysis on the modal data like stats and stuff
- module support
- for three.js i want to have a function that sets up a scene with the recommended settings so all you need to do is point to a DOM element and hit run
Note: I don't have an ETA on when this will be ready so please don't expect a major feature filled update any time soon! 😅
With regards to exporting, I've noticed certain issues that should be fixed beforehand. I noticed these issues in v1, so I apologize for bothering you if these have already been fixed in v2.
- Translucent/transparent geometry does not get loaded. (i.e. holographic class items, clear plastic/glass)
- Meshes that use static textures do not get UV mapped, and the loader throws an error when a shader uses static textures. (i.e. hands)
- The geometry for decals gets treated as having fixed shaders, and ends up being shaded with the item texture rather than the decal texture.
Since I don't really know the language, I'm not sure how much help I'll be in fixing these, but I can at least give suggestions.
Hi, Lowlines!
I know this is super old, so I totally understand if these don;t get considered, but here goes:
- Destiny 1 armor ornaments (Since they were usually activated with an item this may be difficult)
- Sorting by either class, season (probably easiest?), or activity (i.e. raid gear, crucible gear, etc)
- Perhaps make the ornaments "nested" and toggle-able so that they're all easier categorized?
I'm not sure if any of that will help at all but I appreciate you even having a wishlist section!
- Destiny 1 armor ornaments (Since they were usually activated with an item this may be difficult)
Destiny 1 ornaments are, sadly, impossible. They simply do not exist in the api, so there’s nothing for the gear viewer to display.
Destiny 1 ornaments are, sadly, impossible. They simply do not exist in the api, so there’s nothing for the gear viewer to display.
Woah, I had no idea! That.... actually kinda boggles my mind, I wonder how they managed that. Thank you for letting me know though, now I can focus my energy elsewhere!
In that case, would it be at all possible to pull the textures from the model viewer as well? Since it looks like it's got normal or at least albedo maps, that would be useful for recreating high poly versions! :)