splatoon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
splatoon copied to clipboard

🐙 Splatoon 3 checklist for completionists

🐙 Splatoon 3 checklist

A web app to help Splatoon completionists in their progress tracking.

🦑 Features

  • Track your overall progress by marking gears as owned
    • No account required, everything is stored under your browser local storage
    • Export/Import your progression
  • Filter and sort gears by name, type, brand, and skills
  • Support all languages officially supported by Splatoon

🚀 Deploy your own instance

Add the following to vercel project:

Build commanddeno task build || /vercel/.deno/bin/deno task build
Output directory.
Install commandcurl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh

💻 Run locally

Install deno runtime and run the following commands:

deno task build
deno task serve

📜 License

App developped by @lowlighter and licensed under MIT License

Based on the datamine of @Leanny

Splatoon and all related copyrights/assets used in this app are the property of Nintendo.