sharp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sharp copied to clipboard

sharp not included in a packaged Electron app build with Quasar (yarn 4.3.1, electron-builder, vite)

Open Dirk- opened this issue 8 months ago • 0 comments

Possible install-time or require-time problem

You must confirm both of these before continuing.

Are you using the latest version of sharp?

  • [x] I am using the latest version of sharp as reported by npm view sharp dist-tags.latest.

If you cannot confirm this, please upgrade to the latest version and try again before opening an issue.

If you are using another package which depends on a version of sharp that is not the latest, please open an issue against that package instead.

Are you using a supported runtime?

  • [x] I am using Node.js with a version that satisfies ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0
  • [ ] I am using Deno
  • [ ] I am using Bun

If you cannot confirm any of these, please upgrade to the latest version and try again before opening an issue.

Are you using a supported package manager and installing optional dependencies?

  • [ ] I am using npm >= 9.6.5 with --include=optional
  • [x] I am using yarn >= 3.2.0
  • [ ] I am using pnpm >= 7.1.0 with --no-optional=false
  • [ ] I am using Deno
  • [ ] I am using Bun

If you cannot confirm any of these, please upgrade to the latest version of your chosen package manager and ensure you are allowing the installation of optional or multi-platform dependencies before opening an issue.

What is the complete error message, including the full stack trace?

There is no error message when I start the program, but sharp is not there. I included the build log instead.

(base) dirk@Dirks-Mac-Studio quasar-sharp % quasar build -m electron
d88P" "Y88b
888     888
888     888 888  888  8888b.  .d8888b   8888b.  888d888
888     888 888  888     "88b 88K          "88b 888P"
888 Y8b 888 888  888 .d888888 "Y8888b. .d888888 888
Y88b.Y8b88P Y88b 888 888  888      X88 888  888 888
 "Y888888"   "Y88888 "Y888888  88888P' "Y888888 888

 Build mode............. electron
 Pkg quasar............. v2.16.4
 Pkg @quasar/app-vite... v1.9.3
 Pkg vite............... v2.9.18
 Debugging.............. no
 Publishing............. no

 App •  WAIT  • Compiling of Electron UI with Vite in progress...
 App •  DONE  • Electron UI compiled with success • 1504ms

 App •  WAIT  • Compiling of Electron Main with Esbuild in progress...
 App •  DONE  • Electron Main compiled with success • 6ms

 App •  WAIT  • Compiling of Electron Preload with Esbuild in progress...
 App •  DONE  • Electron Preload compiled with success • 1ms

 UI files build summary:
 ║                            Asset │      Size ║
 ║                 electron-main.js │   1.46 KB ║
 ║              electron-preload.js │   0.00 KB ║
 ║ assets/ErrorNotFound.0928d832.js │   0.59 KB ║
 ║     assets/IndexPage.fe807f4b.js │   1.21 KB ║
 ║    assets/MainLayout.eb4528f3.js │  33.11 KB ║
 ║          assets/QBtn.d1e54607.js │  15.82 KB ║
 ║         assets/index.9c57cbe8.js │ 102.19 KB ║
 ║        assets/render.ffc2effe.js │   0.31 KB ║
 ║        assets/index.e1aa5673.css │ 197.24 KB ║
 ║                     package.json │   0.40 KB ║
 ║                       index.html │   0.83 KB ║
 App • Installing UnPackaged folder production dependencies...
 App • [sync] Running "yarn workspaces focus --all --production" in /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/dist/electron/UnPackaged

➤ YN0000: · Yarn 4.3.1
➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step
➤ YN0085: │ - 7zip-bin@npm:5.2.0, @babel/code-frame@npm:7.24.7, @babel/highlight@npm:7.24.7, @develar/schema-utils@npm:2.6.5, and 665 more.
➤ YN0000: └ Completed
➤ YN0000: ┌ Fetch step
➤ YN0000: └ Completed
➤ YN0000: ┌ Link step
➤ YN0007: │ sharp@npm:0.33.4 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 1s 249ms
➤ YN0000: · Done in 1s 304ms
 App •  WAIT  • Bundling app with electron/builder...
  • electron-builder  version=24.13.3 os=23.5.0
  • writing effective config  file=dist/electron/Packaged/builder-effective-config.yaml
  • packaging       platform=darwin arch=arm64 electron=31.1.0 appOutDir=dist/electron/Packaged/mac-arm64
  • skipped macOS application code signing  reason=cannot find valid "Developer ID Application" identity or custom non-Apple code signing certificate, it could cause some undefined behaviour, e.g. macOS localized description not visible, see allIdentities=  <omitted>
  • building        target=macOS zip arch=arm64 file=dist/electron/Packaged/Quasar
  • building        target=DMG arch=arm64 file=dist/electron/Packaged/Quasar App-0.0.1-arm64.dmg
  • Detected arm64 process, HFS+ is unavailable. Creating dmg with APFS - supports Mac OSX 10.12+
  • building block map  blockMapFile=dist/electron/Packaged/Quasar App-0.0.1-arm64.dmg.blockmap
  • building block map  blockMapFile=dist/electron/Packaged/Quasar

 App •  DONE  • electron/builder built the app • 29390ms

 Build succeeded

 Build mode............. electron
 Pkg quasar............. v2.16.4
 Pkg @quasar/app-vite... v1.9.3
 Pkg vite............... v2.9.18
 Debugging.............. no
 Publishing............. no
 Browser target......... es2019|edge88|firefox78|chrome87|safari13.1
 Node target............ node20
 Output folder.......... /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/dist/electron

What is the complete output of running npm install --verbose --foreground-scripts sharp in an empty directory?

npm verb cli /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/npm
npm info using [email protected]
npm info using [email protected]
npm verb title npm install sharp
npm verb argv "install" "--loglevel" "verbose" "--foreground-scripts" "sharp"
npm verb logfile logs-max:10 dir:/Users/dirk/.npm/_logs/2024-06-27T12_49_37_278Z-
npm verb logfile /Users/dirk/.npm/_logs/2024-06-27T12_49_37_278Z-debug-0.log
npm http fetch GET 200 9ms (cache hit)
npm http fetch GET 200 246ms (cache revalidated)
npm http fetch GET 200 248ms (cache revalidated)
npm http fetch GET 200 265ms (cache revalidated)
npm http fetch GET 200 276ms (cache revalidated)
npm http fetch GET 200 695ms (cache revalidated)
npm http fetch GET 200 1203ms (cache revalidated)
npm http fetch GET 200 167ms (cache revalidated)
npm verb reify failed optional dependency /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/node_modules/@img/sharp-win32-ia32
npm verb reify failed optional dependency /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/node_modules/@img/sharp-wasm32
npm verb reify failed optional dependency /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/node_modules/@emnapi/runtime
npm verb reify failed optional dependency /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/node_modules/@img/sharp-linux-s390x
npm verb reify failed optional dependency /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/node_modules/@img/sharp-linux-arm
npm verb reify failed optional dependency /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/node_modules/@img/sharp-libvips-linux-s390x
npm verb reify failed optional dependency /Users/dirk/Projekte/quasar-sharp/node_modules/@img/sharp-libvips-linux-arm
npm http fetch POST 200 216ms

up to date, audited 693 packages in 2s

127 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
npm verb exit 0
npm info ok 

What is the output of running npx envinfo --binaries --system --npmPackages=sharp --npmGlobalPackages=sharp?

    OS: macOS 14.5
    CPU: (24) arm64 Apple M2 Ultra
    Memory: 15.79 GB / 64.00 GB
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 20.12.1 - /usr/local/bin/node
    Yarn: 4.3.1 - ~/.yarn/bin/yarn
    npm: 10.5.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm

What I did

I put up a sample project to demonstrate the issue. I managed to get Quasar work with yarn v4. I edited the electron-builder options in quasar.config.js according to the sharp instructions, I used the supportedArchitectures option in .yarnrc.yml. Since then the error shown when starting the packaged app is gone, but sharp does nothing. I noticed YN0007 in the build log above, but I do not know how to overcome this.

The dev version runs the short sharp test fine.

There is some information on vite handling on the Quasar website which can possibly combined with the sharp information, but I don't know how.

I only see instructions on how to unpack or exclude sharp from bundling, but how will it get into the packaged app?

I am sure I am just missing a trivial thing, but I do not know which...

Dirk- avatar Jun 27 '24 13:06 Dirk-