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I wish to generate text using svg images

Open Raraku opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Question about an existing feature

What are you trying to achieve?

I am trying to create a jpg by changing a text. When I specify a font-family, sharp generates the text weirdly with misaligned spacing and thin lines. If I don't specify a font family and use the default; everything works well

When you searched for similar issues, what did you find that might be related?

At the moment, I don't even understand how fc_config ties in with all these. I use windows and I have set fontconfig_path as well as fc_debug but it changes nothing; the text renders but it looks weird

Please provide a minimal, standalone code sample, without other dependencies, that demonstrates this question

<text fill="#D2DCE6" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-size="64" letter-spacing="0em" text-anchor="middle" ><tspan x="50%" y="207.943">Adam</tspan></text>```

SVG text in question.

The svg is imported as a string and fed to sharp, I have tried it without unlimited and density, same result. Also used font-face and classes and basically a hundred things. I really don't understand how I'm supposed to go about this.
It works flawlessly if I open the svg by itself, once I feed it to sharp; all the text goes wonky.

const img = sharp(Buffer.from(svgString), { unlimited: true, density: 1700 }); // console.log(img); img.toFile("output.jpg", function (err) { }); const resized = img; resized.toBuffer((err, data) => { try { console.log("receiving image"); console.log(data); // console.log(data, "here", err); uploadImageToS3(data, urlPath); } catch (err) { console.log("Error", err); } });

### Please provide sample image(s) that help explain this question

Opening on my pc
<img width="224" alt="image" src="">

The png file after using sharp
<img width="224" alt="image" src="">

Raraku avatar Jul 26 '22 13:07 Raraku

Please can you provide the complete SVG, including the font-family attribute, as it looks like the example pasted above is only a partial file.

lovell avatar Jul 26 '22 13:07 lovell


<svg width="300" height="396" viewBox="0 0 300 396" fill="none" xmlns="">
  <!-- <defs>
    <style type="text/css">
      @font-face {
        font-family: Sahitya;
        src: "./../../fonts/Sahitya-Bold.ttf";
</defs> -->
<rect y="0.0124969" width="300" height="395.987" fill="#414243"/>
<mask id="mask0_105_28" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="300" height="396">
<rect y="0.0124969" width="300" height="395.987" fill="#1D5270"/>
<g mask="url(#mask0_105_28)">
<ellipse cx="301.5" cy="213.044" rx="65.5" ry="65.6637" fill="#29898B" fill-opacity="0.6"/>
<ellipse cx="249" cy="54.6488" rx="41" ry="40.6012" fill="#DFE0E1" fill-opacity="0.4"/>
<ellipse cx="25.5" cy="374.446" rx="65.5" ry="65.6637" fill="#29898B" fill-opacity="0.6"/>
<text fill="#D2DCE6" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-size="64" letter-spacing="0em" font-family="Sahitya" text-anchor="middle" ><tspan x="50%" y="207.943">Toodles</tspan></text>
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<path d="M112.232 83.9322C112.917 81.8184 115.908 81.8184 116.593 83.9322V83.9322C116.899 84.8774 117.78 85.5175 118.774 85.5175V85.5175C120.996 85.5175 121.916 88.3652 120.12 89.6734V89.6734C119.317 90.2581 118.98 91.297 119.286 92.2418V92.2418C119.971 94.3538 117.556 96.1197 115.762 94.8126V94.8126C114.958 94.227 113.868 94.227 113.064 94.8126V94.8126C111.269 96.1197 108.855 94.3538 109.539 92.2418V92.2418C109.845 91.297 109.509 90.2581 108.706 89.6734V89.6734C106.91 88.3652 107.83 85.5175 110.052 85.5175V85.5175C111.045 85.5175 111.926 84.8774 112.232 83.9322V83.9322Z" fill="#C1DFF0" fill-opacity="0.4"/>
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<path d="M83.2323 12.7547C83.9174 10.6409 86.9079 10.6409 87.593 12.7547V12.7547C87.8994 13.6999 88.7802 14.34 89.7738 14.34V14.34C91.9958 14.34 92.9157 17.1877 91.1196 18.4959V18.4959C90.3167 19.0806 89.98 20.1194 90.2862 21.0643V21.0643C90.9708 23.1763 88.5562 24.9422 86.7616 23.6351V23.6351C85.9577 23.0495 84.8677 23.0495 84.0637 23.6351V23.6351C82.2692 24.9422 79.8546 23.1763 80.5391 21.0643V21.0643C80.8453 20.1194 80.5086 19.0806 79.7058 18.4959V18.4959C77.9097 17.1877 78.8295 14.34 81.0515 14.34V14.34C82.0451 14.34 82.926 13.6999 83.2323 12.7547V12.7547Z" fill="#C1DFF0" fill-opacity="0.4"/>
<path d="M64.2323 62.8797C64.9174 60.7659 67.9079 60.7659 68.593 62.8797V62.8797C68.8994 63.8249 69.7802 64.465 70.7738 64.465V64.465C72.9958 64.465 73.9157 67.3127 72.1196 68.6209V68.6209C71.3167 69.2056 70.98 70.2444 71.2862 71.1893V71.1893C71.9708 73.3013 69.5562 75.0672 67.7616 73.7601V73.7601C66.9577 73.1745 65.8677 73.1745 65.0637 73.7601V73.7601C63.2692 75.0672 60.8546 73.3013 61.5391 71.1893V71.1893C61.8453 70.2444 61.5086 69.2056 60.7058 68.6209V68.6209C58.9097 67.3127 59.8295 64.465 62.0515 64.465V64.465C63.0451 64.465 63.926 63.8249 64.2323 62.8797V62.8797Z" fill="#C1DFF0" fill-opacity="0.4"/>
<path d="M23.2323 72.9047C23.9174 70.7909 26.9079 70.7909 27.593 72.9047V72.9047C27.8994 73.8499 28.7802 74.49 29.7738 74.49V74.49C31.9958 74.49 32.9157 77.3377 31.1196 78.6459V78.6459C30.3167 79.2306 29.98 80.2694 30.2862 81.2143V81.2143C30.9708 83.3263 28.5562 85.0922 26.7616 83.7851V83.7851C25.9577 83.1995 24.8677 83.1995 24.0637 83.7851V83.7851C22.2692 85.0922 19.8546 83.3263 20.5391 81.2143V81.2143C20.8453 80.2694 20.5086 79.2306 19.7058 78.6459V78.6459C17.9097 77.3377 18.8295 74.49 21.0515 74.49V74.49C22.0451 74.49 22.926 73.8499 23.2323 72.9047V72.9047Z" fill="#C1DFF0" fill-opacity="0.4"/>

Here's the complete file; I don't just load the file because I want to edit the text.

Sahitya is installed on my PC and I noticed the same behaviour when running with my mac

Raraku avatar Jul 26 '22 14:07 Raraku

Okay, I was able to bypass it. I ran ubuntu via wsl and set the FONTCONFIG_PATH and it worked, it's loading the correct font. I guess windows and mac just don't play well with fontconfig. Thanks, lovell.

You made a really great tool

Raraku avatar Jul 26 '22 20:07 Raraku

Windows and macOS should work, as fontconfig will look in the standard OS locations by default if not configured to look elsewhere.

For Windows, ensure fonts are installed in the standard C:\Windows\Fonts directory and that the names used to reference them match exactly.

For macOS, you can see the paths that will be searched at

In the example provided above, the named font Sahitya would need to exist in its own right. Perhaps you meant (note the quotes):

font-family="'Sahitya Bold'"

lovell avatar Jul 27 '22 07:07 lovell

Yeah, I have tried all variations. Sahitya is installed in windows; also opening the SVG on my PC using other tools renders with the correct font. I guess fontconfig just isn't finding the correct path; it might have to do with the way windows renders paths. I'll stick with my workaround for now. It's a pretty large project and I'm already way behind. Thanks again

Raraku avatar Jul 27 '22 09:07 Raraku