react-native-baidu-map copied to clipboard
requireNativeComponent: "BaiduMapOverlayInfoWindow" was not found in the UIManager.
I use the latest version 1.0.37 which already have added the condition line in file. There still have error message. Could anyone help me with this? Here's my code: <Marker ref = {ref => { this.marker = ref; }} title="Picked location" location={props.pickedLocation} key="Picked location" > <InfoWindow offsetY= {0} style={{padding:13}} > <View style={styles.callout}> <Text style={styles.calloutText}> latitude : {props.pickedLocation['latitude'].toFixed(5)} {'\n'} longitude : {props.pickedLocation['longitude'].toFixed(5)} </Text> <InfoWindow offsetY={0} style={styles.container} onPointerDown={() => props.calloutPressHandler('point')} > <Text style={styles.buttonText}> Get point data</Text> </InfoWindow> <InfoWindow offsetY={0} style={styles.container} onPointerDown={() => props.calloutPressHandler('city')} > <Text style={styles.buttonText}> Get city data</Text> </InfoWindow> <InfoWindow offsetY={0} style={styles.closeCallout} onPointerDown={()=>{this.marker.hideCallout()}}> <AntDesign name="closecircle" size={26} color={Colors.PRIMARY} /> </InfoWindow> </View> </InfoWindow> </Marker>