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Physics fixture/shape :setMask bits are inverted in love compared to box2d
Currently a fixture/shape needs to have in its mask every category that it doesn't want to collide with, which is the opposite of how it works in box2d
fixture:getMask says "Returns which categories this fixture should NOT collide with. "
the box2d documentation says "The categoryBits flag can be thought of as the fixture saying 'I am a ...', and the maskBits is like saying 'I will collide with a ...'."
This is awkward for a few reasons:
- an object that only wants to collide with one category needs to specify the names of all the game's other categories in its mask
- it means people reading the box2d documentation will get confused, for example even on the love2d wiki the following diagram repeats the box2d documentation, rather than the love documentation
- it's rather hard to reason about, because to avoid collision a shape needs to mask every category the other one has, whereas in box2d the logic is simply "if any category matches the mask it matches", with the object colliding if it matches in both directions.
the inversion that love2d does can be seen here and on the corresponding functions in Fixture.cpp:
I'm suggesting that in love 12 the API be simplified to do the same thing as the corresponding box2d functionality. If appropriate the functions could be renamed to "setCollisionMask" from "setMask" for backwards compatibility and to make it clearer that the mask says which things an object will collide with.