react-contenteditable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-contenteditable copied to clipboard

IE 11 not supported

Open blackbing opened this issue 7 years ago • 17 comments

related issue:


blackbing avatar Nov 25 '16 05:11 blackbing

send pr for solving this.

blackbing avatar Nov 25 '16 07:11 blackbing

@lovasoa I am looking for the IE support solution for this.


Here is a simple idea about solving this problem.

  1. use keyup event instead if IE browser.
  2. also handle paste event.

And you mentioned We can simply shadow the target if it can't be overwritten. in here. Can you give me some hint about this? I'll make PR ASAP because my project need this support IE.

blackbing avatar Dec 05 '16 10:12 blackbing

I don't know if this helps but on some React input components I use onInput instead of onChange so that IE11 behaves like all other browsers. Apparently onChange will work as expected in IE when Fiber a.k.a React v16.0 comes out.

stahlmanDesign avatar Feb 09 '17 04:02 stahlmanDesign

@stahlmanDesign can you provide an example implementation of your solution please?

slorber avatar Mar 20 '17 13:03 slorber

Replace onChange with onInput

stahlmanDesign avatar Mar 20 '17 14:03 stahlmanDesign

@stahlmanDesign I don't understand, the project is about a contentEditable div, not a regular input. Also onInput is already what is used:

slorber avatar Mar 20 '17 16:03 slorber

Hi there,

What is the status of this one, is this still an open issue for IE11?


guillaumepotier avatar Jul 10 '17 13:07 guillaumepotier

@guillaumepotier this is supposed to be resolved in React 15.6:

slorber avatar Jul 10 '17 16:07 slorber

How, that's a good news! I'll test it then when I'll update it. Thanks for your help

guillaumepotier avatar Jul 11 '17 08:07 guillaumepotier

@slorber I just updated to react 15.6.1, but unfortunately, the onChange prop function still doesn't get called in IE11. I hope I'm just doing something wrong...

rake5k avatar Jul 13 '17 09:07 rake5k

@christianharke I'm not maintaining this project nor I have upgraded to 15.6.1, if you think it does not work try to reproduce with raw react div and if it does not work fill a bug in react repo

slorber avatar Jul 13 '17 12:07 slorber

@guillaumepotier @christianharke @slorber We are using react v15.6.1 and still had problems with this component in IE11.

I've successfully modified this component to use a MutationObserver with working IE11 support:

PLEASE NOTE that the onChange signature is now different and takes the innerHTML directly. Patching the target of the event no longer works as a MutationRecord does not have a target.

notatestuser avatar Jul 25 '17 04:07 notatestuser

~~Seems to work fine now on React 16 in IE11.~~

Still broken...

MartinDawson avatar Jan 24 '18 12:01 MartinDawson

I confirm this is still broken on IE11 with React and React-dom 1.16.3

Tested @notatestuser change and it works. Could we consider integrating it?

guillaumepotier avatar Apr 18 '18 12:04 guillaumepotier

Is this repo still supported? Not working on IE 11 for me.

mccambridge avatar Jun 26 '18 14:06 mccambridge

Yes, this repo is still maintained. I'd prefer not to merge @notatestuser PR because it breaks the current API. If onInput is not fired, then react should fix it. The issue was closed in react: if it is still present, then they should reopen it and fix it. Please go complain there :)

lovasoa avatar Aug 05 '18 17:08 lovasoa

Hi there,

What is the status of this one, is this still an open issue for IE11?


mdshohelrana avatar Nov 27 '19 07:11 mdshohelrana