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A Migrational Era Mod for CK2
Hi, I really enjoy the mod but I've noticed some inaccuracies and missing content in both the map/history (the actual in-game history, as coded within the files) and the fluff/events....
CTD when it went to "Spreading the Plague...", and I don't know what happened...... error.log filed below [error.log](https://github.com/loup99/WtWSMS/files/8333002/error.log)
UN document: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0010/001046/104612e.pdf#xml=http://www.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?database=&set=4DC27DB7_0_203&hits_rec=6&hits_lng=eng
This is the issue dedicated to Justinian and the bookmark regarding him. History, province ownership, a bookmark, everything goes into here. It is partially implemented, but could still use some...
I think a cleanup of character history and dynasties will be needed at some point, as it's a bit messy: - [x] vanilla characters are still in the files, generating...
On the separate French forum, I had a suggestion concerning this, and I believe it has been discussed a bit in the past. Spreading out and using the unique sets...
This is the issue dedicated to the Rule of Dukes Bookmark. It needs history, balancing and etc. - [ ] Fully playable map - [ ] Historical rulers - [...
This is the whole dynamic Rise of Islam issue; balancing, expanding and etc goes into here. Created as a beta prototype by Zusk, it is in need of a complete...
This is the issue dedicated to looking at what mercenaries are appropriate or not, balancing them and filling them out. Complete holy orders for every single religion/tweaks to the apparition...