speechT copied to clipboard
An opensource speech-to-text software written in tensorflow
An opensource speech-to-text software written in tensorflow. Achieving a Letter Error Rate of 8% and Word Error Rate of 20% on the LibriSpeech test corpus.
Python3, portaudio19-dev and ffmpeg are required.
On Ubuntu install via
sudo apt install python3-pip portaudio19-dev ffmpeg
Install via pip3
pip3 install git+https://github.com/timediv/speechT
Currently speechT is based on the Wav2Letter paper and the CTC loss function.
The speech corpus from http://www.openslr.org/12/ is automatically downloaded.
Note: The corpus is about 30GB!
The data must be preprocessed before training
speecht-cli preprocess
Then, to run the training, execute
speecht-cli train
Use --help
for more details.
You can monitor the training and see other logs in tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir log/
To evaluate on the whole test set run
speecht-cli evaluate
To evaluate on a single batch
speecht-cli evaluate --step-count 1
By default greedy decoding is used.
See section Using a language model
on how to use KenLM for decoding.
Use --help
for more details.
Live usage
To record using your microphone and then print the prediction run
speecht-cli record
Use --help
for more details.
Trained weights
You don't have the resources to train on your own? Download the weights from here
mkdir train
tar xf speechT-weights.tgz -C train/
Then you can use the model with e.g. evaluate
speecht-cli evaluate --run-name best_run
Using a language model
If you'd like to use KenLM as a language model for decoding you need to compile and install tensorflow-with-kenlm. If you only require the CPU version of tensorflow for linux you can also download it here instead.
Download all the necessary files from here, then
tar xf kenlm-english.tgz
speecht-cli evaluate --language-model kenlm-english/
With the default parameters trained for about 5 to 6 days on a Nvidia Titan X.
Overall statistics
Average Letter Edit Distance: 7.7125
Average Letter Error Rate: 8%
Average Word Edit Distance: 3.801953125
Average Word Error Rate: 20%
LER, WER and predictions on a few examples
expected: but that is kaffar's knife
decoded: but that is caffr's klife
LED: 4 LER: 0.15 WED: 2 WER: 0.40
expected: he moved uneasily and his chair creaked
decoded: he moved uneasily in his chair creet
LED: 5 LER: 0.13 WED: 2 WER: 0.29
expected: it is indeed true that the importance of tact and skill in the training of the young and of cultivating their reason and securing their affection can not be overrated
decoded: it is indeed true that the importance of tact and skill in the training of the young and of cultivating their reason and so carrying their affection can not be o rated
LED: 8 LER: 0.05 WED: 4 WER: 0.13
expected: she pressed his hand gently in gratitude
decoded: she pressed his hand gently in gratitude
LED: 0 LER: 0.00 WED: 0 WER: 0.00
expected: don't worry sizzle dear it'll all come right pretty soon
decoded: don't worry i l dear it all come riprety soon
LED: 13 LER: 0.23 WED: 5 WER: 0.50
expected: may we see gates at once asked kenneth
decoded: may we see gates at once asked keneth
LED: 2 LER: 0.05 WED: 1 WER: 0.12
The whole evaluation log can be found here.